As part of a series of visits to bioenergy plants in Goiás, the executive president of Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar and acting president of Fieg, André Rocha, visited two important units located in the south of the state, Bom Sucesso (Goiatuba) and Panorama (Itumbiara), on October 16.
The tour began at Usina Bom Sucesso, where André Rocha was welcomed by the CEO, Marcus Tittoto, and the managing director, Tomaz Tittoto. The plant, which has a diversified production of ethanol, sugar and bioelectricity, currently employs 960 people and expects to crush 3 million tons of sugar cane this harvest, half of which will come from its own production and the rest from partners.
Rocha then visited Usina Panorama, which is part of the Vale do Verdão Group, one of the largest in Brazil. In addition to the Itumbiara unit, the group owns three other plants in Goiás: Usina Floresta, in Santo Antônio da Barra; Vale do Verdão, in Turvelândia; and Cambuí, in Santa Helena. The Vale do Verdão Group, which has been operating in the bioenergy sector since the 1980s, currently employs 4,100 people in Goiás, 1,100 of whom work at Usina Panorama. The visit was hosted by the corporate legal director, Gilson Soares, as well as the industrial manager, Paulo Dario, the administrative director, Edson Rizzardo and the agricultural manager, Paulo Approbato.
According to André Rocha, the bioenergy sector is fundamental to the sustainable development of Goiás and Brazil. “As well as creating jobs and contributing to economic growth, it plays a vital role in the global energy transition. The plants we visited today are examples of innovation and efficiency, showing that it is possible to combine competitiveness with environmental responsibility,” he said.