Visit/Decal, Rio Verde Mill

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On January 23, the executive president of Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar and president of Fieg, André Rocha, visited Decal, Usina Rio Verde, a pioneer and to date the only sugarcane agro-industry in the municipality of Rio Verde, in the southwestern region of Goiás. Aline Onório, production manager, and Flavio Ferraz, the company’s industrial manager, welcomed André to talk about the current and future scenarios for the bioenergy sector.

The unit, which is associated with Sifaeg, has been in operation since 1986, when it began producing brandy. Today, it produces ethanol exclusively from sugarcane and corn, and is even the pioneer in the state of Goiás in the production of grain ethanol. The mill currently has around 600 employees and generates more than a thousand indirect jobs. It cultivates more than 8,000 hectares of sugarcane, including its own land and that of its partners.

In addition to producing hydrous and anhydrous ethanol, it also produces by-products from corn processing, such as DDG (Dry Distillate Grains) and WDG (Wet Distillate Grains). Now, in the sugarcane off-season, the unit is processing corn and sorghum. Total ethanol production for this year is expected to be around 105 million liters.

The company is located in the municipality of Rio Verde. André presented the various services that Senai and IEL offer to industries, including the school that operates in the city of Rio Verde.

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