Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar and the Government of Goiás discuss scenarios for the bioenergy sector

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The executive president of Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar and president of Fieg, André Rocha, met with Secretary Adriano Rocha Lima at the Goiás Government Secretariat on Friday, January 31. Several entrepreneurs and company directors from the bioenergy sector took part in the hybrid meeting (face-to-face and virtual). On the agenda were issues related to the expansion of biogas and biomethane production and the paths towards an energy transition in the state that prioritizes clean and renewable energies. During the meeting, data was presented on the current reality and future potential of Goiás for biofuel production. Estimates point to an annual generation of up to 385 million cubic meters of biogas and biomethane from ethanol vinasse. This volume could replace 280 million liters of diesel a year, reinforcing the sector’s role in decarbonizing the energy matrix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

“The bioenergy sector makes an essential contribution to the economy and to the country’s decarbonization agenda. We need to make progress on policies that encourage the production and consumption of biogas and biomethane, guaranteeing economic viability and security for new investments,” said André Rocha. He also added that the joint effort between the government and the private sector has ensured progress, such as structuring public policies and overcoming challenges such as environmental licensing. “The Goiás government’s commitment demonstrates that the bioenergy sector is strategic for the state’s development,” he concluded. Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar members who attended the meeting: Marcelo Barbosa (Denusa), Otávio Lage(Jalles), Charles Zanotti (CerradinhoBio), Marcelle Goulart (São Martinho/UBV), Alexandre Soncini (Caçu), Gilson Freitas and Edson Rizzardo(Vale do Verdão), Abel Ulhoa (SJC), Cássio Iplinsky (Usina Rio Verde/DECAL), Guilherme Vieira (ATVOS), Tiago (BP bioenergy) and Rogério Trevisan (Usina Bomsucesso), Vladimir Montenegro and (CRV), Pablo Ferreira (Usina Rio Verde). Alessandro Gardemanm (GEO) and Renata Isfer (Abiogás), representing national organizations in the biogas sector, and Deninarcio (Rio Verde Industry Secretary).

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