André Rocha, executive president of Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar and president of Fieg, visited the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad) on January 15, 2025 to discuss various issues of interest to the bioenergy sector. The meeting was with the undersecretary José Bento da Rocha and the grant manager, Marcos Vinícius. Topics such as environmental licensing, biogas projects for Goiás, water licensing and water resource management were highlighted. The superintendent of Sifaeg, Luciano Jaime, and the director of Energética Serranópolis, Francisco Dourado, also took part. André points out that the meeting reinforced the alignment between the productive sector and public authorities, with a focus on solutions that integrate industrial efficiency, bioenergy innovation and environmental preservation.
In another meeting with the undersecretary of the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad), José Bento da Rocha, the Sifaeg/Sifaçúcar executive discussed issues such as: speeding up the approval of environmental licenses for strategic projects, strengthening the use of ethanol and energy from biomass and improving the logistics and infrastructure needed for new ventures. Directors from Energética Serranópolis, BP Bioenergy, Raízen, São Martinho – Boa Vista Unit and Denusa were present.