Jalles receives visit from influencers

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Yesterday, October 16, at the Jalles Machado Unit in Goianésia/GO, Jalles received a visit from digital influencers, who learned about the sugar, ethanol and energy production process, technologies, sustainable practices and the social projects of the Jalles Machado Foundation.

The visit is part of the Agro-Mill Experience program, an initiative of the Industrial Development Association of the State of Goiás (Adial Goiás), which aims to take influencers to get to know the Goiás industry and Brazilian agribusiness up close.

In the entourage were singer-songwriter Paula Mattos, chef João Diamante, activist and entrepreneur Raull Santiago, journalist Silvia Nascimento, influencer Keka pelo Mundo, influencer César Moreira from instagram Vida Boiadeira, entertainment executive producer Eleny Jardim, Luiz Gabriel Franco from the UN Global Compact, influencer and public relations officer Kaká Marinho and marketing consultant and new trends analyst Carla Bastos.

The influencers were welcomed by the CEO, Otávio Lage de Siqueira Filho, and the financial and investor relations director, Rodrigo Penna.

“It’s very enriching to be able to show these influencers, who have millions of followers and are opinion formers, the importance of Brazilian agribusiness and Goiás industries, the technologies we use, the sustainable way of production, the role of ethanol in the energy transition and the positive impact of agribusiness in generating jobs and income for Goiás municipalities,” said Otávio Lage Filho.





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