
The biofuel that boosts the future.

Symbol of innovation

Ethanol: clean, renewable energy with a smaller carbon footprint.

Ethanol has been making a positive difference in Brazil for some time and is already an increasingly promising alternative on the world energy scene. With a significantly lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels, it is produced mainly from sugar cane and corn in Brazil, a sustainable process that takes advantage of all the by-products.

In addition to being less toxic and flammable than gasoline, ethanol is a renewable alternative that contributes to preserving the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Sustainability and energy innovation

The positive environmental
impact of ethanol.

Ethanol goes beyond being a simple biofuel. It is a symbol of how innovation can transform the relationship between production and sustainability.

The production process uses sugarcane biomass to generate electricity and steam, while by-products such as vinasse and filter cake are reused for irrigation and fertilization.

In this way, the production cycle is closed, with zero waste and high energy efficiency, contributing to a more sustainable agricultural system.

important presence of corn

Regarding corn, the primary by-products Ethanol production are Dried Distiller’s Grains (DDG) and Wet Distiller’s Grains (WDG).

DDG is the main by-product and consists of the non-fermentable remains of corn, which are dried. It is a high-protein meal that can be used as a complement or substitute for soybean meal in animal feed.

WDG is the wet by-product of corn. In addition to by-products, corn oil is also a relevant product of corn ethanol production. It can be used for animal nutrition, biodiesel production, soaps, resins, paints or specialty oils.

Innovation that moves the world

The future of ethanol and its new technologies.

The future of ethanol is closely linked to technological innovation.

Today, new forms of production are being explored, such as second-generation ethanol, which uses cellulose and other agricultural waste to generate even cleaner energy. In addition, ethanol has the potential to be used in blends with traditional fuels, further reducing emissions of polluting gases.

Brazil continues to lead these advances, demonstrating how the sugar-energy sector can continue to evolve and expand its contribution to the global economy.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or want to know more about how ethanol is transforming the energy and industrial sectors?

Contact our team to find out how biofuel can be an effective solution for a more sustainable future.

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Ethanol is not just a fuel, it is a key to a more sustainable future.

The energy transition starts here!

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