DATAGRO Revises Estimate on Brazilian Corn Ethanol Production

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DATAGRO revises upwards its estimate for Brazilian corn ethanol production in 2024/25.

Production capacity for the cereal-based biofuel could require a demand for more than 31 million tons of corn over the next seven years.

A survey by DATAGRO shows that there are currently 22 corn ethanol plants in operation in Brazil. Together, they have the capacity to produce 7.2 billion liters of biofuel per year, which represents a demand of around 16.8 million tons of cereal – 14.6% of the expected production of the grain in the 2023/24 harvest.

“There are 13 projects to build corn ethanol plants,” says the report. The cereal-based biofuel’s production capacity could require a demand for more than 31 million tons of corn over the next seven years.

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