
Huge potential for generating biosustainable energy.

Huge Energy Potential

Biogas: the greatest production potential comes from the bioenergy sector.

Biomethane is a gaseous fuel derived from the purification of biogas, which is produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. The sugar-energy sector has the greatest potential for producing biogas and biomethane from waste in the country.

According to estimates by EPE (2022), the sector has a biogas production capacity of approximately 5.2 billion Nm³/year, taking into account the use of vinasse and filter cake, the main waste used to produce biogas in the plants.

Currently, the sugar-energy sector is responsible for more than half the volume of biogas generated in industrial plants,
totaling 269 million Nm³/year. Current production corresponds to only 5% of the potential use of vinasse and filter cake generated in the country. (EPE data)

Growing Production

Biomethane overview

In 10 years, the potential for biomethane production is estimated to grow by more than 20%, reaching 6.1 billion Nm³ (11.2 billion Nm³ of biogas), considering the total use of vinasse and filter cake and 20% of straw and tips.

For financially stable sugar-energy plants, in 2033, the production potential is estimated at 3.1 billion Nm³ of biomethane, or 5.7 billion Nm³ of biogas.

The potential for expanding biogas production in the sugar-energy sector contributes to the prospect of advancing the biomethane market in Brazil. (Source|: EPE)

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