SIFAEG - Associated Plants
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Discover the plants that power the country with ethics and sustainability.
The bioenergy plants set up in 33 towns in Goias employ around 200,000 people directly and indirectly. They play a strategic role in the advancement of industrial production in Goiás and have a significant influence on the internalization of development, through the absorption of labor, tax collection, food security, the production of renewable fuel, the cogeneration of electricity, among other things.
In this scenario, social responsibility is included in the management strategies of companies in the sugar-energy sector. There are various programs and actions that help to improve the quality of life, not only of the plants’s employees, but also the entire community in the towns where they operate. Meet our members.
Km 2, GO-164 Highway, Plot B, Pateiros Farm, Rural Area, Postal code: 75.890-000
Km 67, GO-341 Highway, 13 Km to the right, Rural Area, Postal code: 75.830-002
Km 61, BR-364 Highway, Santo Antônio Farm, Rural Area, Postal code: 75.813-000
Km 335,1, GO-210 Highway, Rural Área, Goiatuba-GOPostal code: 75.600-000
Cachoeira Dourada Municipal Road, Km 18, Jandaia Farm (Plot B), Rural Area, Itumbiara-GOPostal code: 75.823-000
Km 51, Takayuki Maeda (GO-410) Highway, Rural Area, Edéia-GOPostal code: 75.940-000
P.O. Box 10.
Postal code: 75.940-000
Km 10, Vicentinópolis/Porteirão Municipal Road, Rural Area, Vicentinópolis-GOPostal code: 75.555-000.
Km 160, BR-020 Highway, Prelúdio Farm, Rural Area, Vila Boa-GOPostal code: 73.825-000.
KM 646, BR-153 Highway, Samambaia Farm, Rural Area, Morrinhos-GOPostal code: 75.650-000
P.O. Box 51
Postal code: 75.650-000.
Km 3, GO-222 Highway, Rural Area, Inhúmas-GOPostal code: 75.401-530
P.O. Box: 10
Postal code: 75.400-000
Km 11, GO-050 Highway, + 950 meters, Âncora Farm, Rural Area, Chapadão do Céu-GOPostal code: 75.828-000.
P.O. Box 11
Postal code: 75.828-000
Km 24, GO-434 Highway,Rural Area, Rubiataba-GO76.350-000
P.O. Box 50
Postal code: 76.350-000
Km 2,5, Carmo do Rio Verde/Rubiataba Road, Rural Area, Carmo do Rio Verde-GOPostal code: 76.340-000.
Km 274, BR-060 Highway, Rural Area, Jandaia-GOPostal code: 75.950-000.
Km 030, GO-070 Highway, 3 Km to the left, Rural Area, Montes Claros de Goiás-GOPostal code: 76.255-000
Km 65, GO-184 Highway, Bonito farm, Rural Area, Serranópolis-GOPostal code: 75.820-000
P.O. Box 20
Postal code: 75.820-000
Km 99, GO-210 Highway,Left Access,Ouro Fino Farm, Rural Area, Porteirão-GOPostal code: 75.603-000
Km 194, GO-040 Highway, 7 km access to the right,Rural Area, Postal code: 75.600-000
Km 185, GO-080 Highway, São Pedro Farm, Rural Area, Goianésia-GOPostal code: 76.388-899
P.O. Box 4
Postal code: 76.388-899
Km 33, GO-338 Highway, 3 km access to the left, Rural Area, Goianésia-GOPostal code: 76.388-899
Km 154, BR-050 ?Highway, Lago Azul Farm, Rural Area, Ipameri-GOPostal code: 75.780-000
Km 133, GO-184 Highway, São Francisco Farm, Rural Area, Aporé-GO Postal code: 75.825-000
Km 328,5, GO-050 Highway, Rural Area, Jataí-GOPostal code 75.809-899
Km 131,5, GO-164 Highway, Boa Vista Farm, Rural Area, Quirinópolis-GOPostal code: 75.860-000
Km 25, GO-206 Highway, Boa Vista Farm, Rural Area, Cachoeira Dourada-GO Postal code: 75.560-000
Km 18, GO-206 Highway,São Francisco Farm, Rural Area, Quirinópolis-GOPostal code: 75.860-000
Km 13, UR-4 Road, Água Branca District, Rural Area, Uruaçu-GOPostal code: 76.400-000
Km 12, GO-438 Highway, São Carlos Farm, Rural Area, Goianésia-GOPostal code: 76.388-899
P.O. Box 07
Postal code: 76.388-899
Km 79, GO-333 Highway,(Direction: Rio Verde - Jandaia),Rural Area, Paraúna-GOPostal code: 75.980-000
Km 32, GO-174 Highway, Alvorada Farm, Rural Area, Rio Verde-GOPostal code: 75.901-970
P.O. Box 317
Postal code: 75.901-970
Km 06, Turvelândia Municipal Road(GO-210 Highway), Rural Area,Santa Helena de Goiás-GOPostal code: 75.920-000
Km 33, BR-452 Highway, São Carlos Farm, Rural Area, Santa Helena de Goiás-GOPostal code: 75.920-000
Km 7,5, GO-409 Highway, Baessa Farm, Rural Area, Turvelândia-GOPostal code: 75.970-000
Committed to sustainable development, they are helping to transform Brazil's energy matrix, contributing to a greener and more efficient future.
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2025 © SIFAEG - Goias Ethanol Industry Association
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