
The biofuel of the future, with the smallest carbon footprint, driving a more sustainable Brazil.


Sweet and essential energy, transforming sugar cane into a force to strengthen the economy and well-being.


Clean and renewable energy driving national development.

About us

We are committed to
innovation and the sustainability of the
bioenergy sector in Goiás.

"Associations are a vector for the development of bioenergy production in Goiás."

Founded in 1984, the Goias Ethanol Industry Association (SIFAEG) legally represents ethanol producers in Goiás.

Working with government agencies, trade associations and business segments, SIFAEG coordinates institutional actions to promote the constant modernization of bioenergy, always in accordance with the principles of socio-environmental sustainability.

Industry figures

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Sustainable Mobility

Ethanol: Present and Future of Sustainable Mobility

Faced with the effects of the climate emergency that the entire planet has been feeling for some time now, looking for renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions has become an urgent imperative for all sectors of the economy.

In the transportation sector, Brazil is in a privileged position, as ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to gasoline.

Since 2003, with the launch of flex-fuel engines, until December 2023, the consumption of biofuel (pure or in the mandatory mixture with gasoline) has prevented the emission of more than 660 million tons of CO2eq. This is equivalent to planting 5 billion trees and keeping them standing for 20 years.

Ethanol’s prominence on the sustainable mobility scene is set to grow even more with the development of new technologies. The best example is the flex-fuel hybrid system, launched in 2019, which combines the efficiency of electric motors with the sustainability of ethanol, a technology that several carmakers are betting on. Another innovation under development in the automotive industry is the fuel cell, which uses chemical reactions to generate electricity from hydrogen, powering electric motors.

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